Monday, February 28, 2011

Mexico: Those hot summer nights...and days

Boarding delays and flights nothwithstanding, once you step off the plane into 28 degree weather, there is nothing like it. The moist air caresses your skin, and you breathe in a healthful mixture of warm air and taxi fumes. Around you is a gaggle of men, vieing for the priviledge of loading up your luggage and driving off with you down the highway, of course at top speed. The skies were clear and starlit. Nothing like it.

So, we arrive at the hotel: Sandos Caracol Eco Resort and Spa. Checked into the room, and immediately felt like we were back in luxury land. Lots of delicious food and an open bar that will just pour you whatever you wish. The pool is heavenly and the beach.

It has green waves and blue waves, little waves and tall. Ones you can jump over and ones you can dive through....(Just for you mom - I do remember some of the lessons that you taught me).

Anyway- it has been a delight to find Playa del Carmen much the same. The tours have been fantastic. Xel-ha and the dolphin swim was miraculous with the dancing, singing, jumps over our head and swimming with us. We have lounged on the beach and travelled into town to spend our funds in grand style. The sea is clear, the fish are friendly and the air filled with warm wind. This, I could do on a regular basis. But since the internet cafe has a 20 minute limit on the computer. I am going to go and do what I do best....curl up with a book under a canopied bed and listen to the waves roll  as my toes dig into the sand.

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