Monday, December 19, 2011

Boss of the Kitchen

For those that know me well, you know that mornings are my least favorite time of the day. The glory of the sunrise is no compensation for the dented pillow and snuggly covers of my bed. In addition, I have two little people that agreed with me more than I agree with me. So, I was getting ready for work when my phone rang. In a semi-coherent state, I answered it.

The voice at the other end informed me that my house was being invaded by munchkins and adults that needed to escape the fury of the carpet cleaning professionals. Thinking through details, I couldn't remember even half of what my day was supposed to look like other than I had to get to work. So, I delivered my children to my day home and made sure they had the key to my place so that they could return to my home as soon as the carpet gurus arrived.

I worked for my day, and then returned home. I walked into my kitchen and wow...magical things were happening. Between my lovely girlfriends, they had transformed my kitchen into a host of heavenly scents. There were pots prepped with potatoes, asparagus, carrots with brown sugar and ginger, and three chickens plus stuffing. My eyes popped and my tummy grumbled. All I had to do was relax and enjoy the coffee that was perking on the counter.

Did I mention wow? I was blessed to have the opportunity to have cuddles with my kids. I could enjoy the play of the other little people. There was enough to add extra folk to the table including my brother who stopped by for two plates! Leftovers abound and all the while, there was great conversation and funny jokes.

I may not be the boss of my kitchen, but I know who is. You can invade my house anytime...even live here if you are going to cook like that. Impromptu dinner parties...the best idea EVER!

Oh and in case you missed it...THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

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