Friday, December 2, 2011

The Quieter Side: Snuggles

The wind howled and buffeted the house as it tore a strip of the city. Christmas lights went beyond a mere sway to a full blown frenzy of movement over the ice strewn streets. Now and then, you could hear the gutters being stripped from their moorings and the shattering of glass from lights that had danced their last. This morning was gusty and required some serious alarm clock motivation to get beyond the comfortable quilt and into the wild grey yonder.

We managed it though and got through the day. School, work, markets and recitals - we did it all. I wrote Christmas cards (for those people that have moved NOW might be the time to forward me your addresses BTW) and wrapped gifts. I participated in the sticker club that my delightful sister in law thought I should do for both kids. I filled out the school forms, did laundry, cooked supper by dialing in Pizza and had a remarkably productive day. But that was not the best bit...

The best part of a blustery day is the snuggling. I had one "not my kid my kid" today for a couple of hours. I wouldn't have known as they were snuggled into Miss K's bedroom with dollies and teddies for over an hour. Coloring and play were also great, but then they came down the stairs and snuggled into the armchair together. They spent almost a full hour exploring the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Looking at the lights and the ones that shine, all the while discussing which ornaments were their favorite. "Not my kid my kid" liked the little red shoe best, while Miss K liked the opening and closing round ornament best. My elder girl liked the artistic ones best. It was lovely to watch.

Then, this evening after I settled in, I was able to snuggle with both my girls. First one, and then the other. These are the moments when you realize how fast they are growning in body, mind and spirit. You can feel the length of their knobbly legs as they wrap their arms around your neck for nose rubs. They still giggle and enjoy the snuggle time but they are stretching all the time. This is the time for quiet conversation about the day and offering advice, wisdom and comfort. There is time for prayer and mediations. These are my favorite moments of my day - when I can turn time off for a moment. Nothing is calling, nothing is pressing and all I have to do is just be content to spend the time with my girls while I have it. Snuggles are the most important part of my day. Sometimes, it just takes a blustery pooh bear day to remind me of it.

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