Monday, July 23, 2012

The Little Things

This month seems to be one for appreciating the little things. My family has been reeling from waves of illnesses, some are still lingering. I for one loathe being ill. I have no qualms about looking after others who require attention, but I hate being the one being looked after. In the calmness of the storm, I have noticed the details.

I have noticed that the specialist decided to make himself and his staff more than available after my daughter came down with pneumonia. He didn't have to go the extra mile just for us but his friendly nurse and professionalism was amazing. With that came the unexpected road trip where we found our friends as willing to visit as always. It was wonderful to see everyone and I really ought to drive down more often. My youngest even got a brief visit with her "bestie" from Grade 1 who moved away last Spring.

Having children that are sick is never fun. I have noticed that people took time out of their day to send supportive messages and to commiserate. Whether through facebook or text messages or phone calls, know that I have appreciated not being lonely. Understandably, people didn't want to visit.

Staying at home for days at a time is not in character for me, so this turn of events has created a lot more quiet time than I am used to. I have read books and watched movies. I have spent time in the garden watching the cat slumber under the choke cherry. Thunderstorms have rolled through and created the time to organize and declutter some areas of the house. Ok...I threw stuff out but it still looks as crowded as always.

Of course, I finished things off by being ill myself. From sharing a cold to the flu, I guess the weeks took a toll on me too. I appreciated waking up to messages that told me the girls were at camp and that the driving was already arranged. There were enough left overs from the dinner so I didn't have to worry about food. Work had been called and I could sink blissfully back into bed to feel wretched all by myself without having to worry. Eventually, I decided I should disinfect things again and do laundry again, but that wasn't until well into the afternoon hours. I noticed that I had time to get well. I really appreciated that...after all it is so much harder to look after self when having to figure out everyone else through the fog.

This month, I have also noticed some other small things that I really appreciate.
  • an ice cap from Tim Hortons while driving around town...sneaking those in has been a treat.
  • being able to get to exercise classes at the YMCA during the summer. Yes, I missed today but you didn't want me
  • having people willing to help me with the girls despite the changing plans. The "whodo" was awesome.
  • watching the Tour de France and having an unpredictable race unfold...with more questions than answers in some cases.
  • flowers in my garden that are attracting butterflies and real honey bees
  • neighborhood children to play with the girls
  • warm showers that soak into the bones
Most of all, I notice that my friends are some of the best that anyone could wish for. From all corners of my world, I have people that matter in my life. I have people that care about me and my family, from near and far. They are the salt of the earth, the creative dreamers and practical fixers. I think, these little things are huge and that I am very blessed.
Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture.  ~Kak Sri

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