Sometimes, there are those Fridays where there are so many shifting shapes and shadows that you feel as though you should be one with them. The people are shifting merrily on their way in those trucks, vans, cars and vehicles that could be known as rust buckets. Today was such a day.
There were those things that I had to do. Exercise class, little people to school, playdates. . . and there were those things that I added because I felt like it. . . . I had the priviledge of baking cookies with two verified shadows. The two assisted in the baking before melting into the background of toys and mayhem. The shadows only emerged to slip cookies into their bags before disappearing again. There was the rescue misson that evolved once it was understood that those pumpkins were indeed heading for the garbage. Who could resist those scowling faces? Art has to be viewed to be appreciated.
The best part of the day was hooliganting. Not one episode but two. First, I invited myself and my crew over to a delightful friends house for lunch. Most people would panic but not this lass. Instead, we are resplendant in our tomato sauced fingers as we are treated to homemade pizzas fresh from the oven, percolating coffee and RIP cupcakes. The lass can cook and makes us hang our heads in shame. The visit was short though due to dance classes that were commitments.
However, dance classes do not last forever, contrary to popular opinion polls that suggest that ab workouts stretch the continuity of time to such as degree as they feel like forever. Who wants to head home on a Friday night? Not I says me. Not I says the partner in crime. The hooliganters are awake and ready to go for round two. First, you have to drive to the Tim Horton's drive thru and pick up provisions in the form of Steeped Teas double double. Then, you have to drive around and listen to weird music while trying to get lost in a small town that it is impossible to not be found in. Once driving and conversation is done you head for home but detours are also welcome.
Impulse strikes often and should occasionally have warning labels. When you have friends that open the doors with welcoming smiles at 10 in the evening, you know you are in the right place. The tea was made, the movie discussed, chosen and watched. And now, the hooliganters are home and not quite in bed. This is the kind of evening that makes you appreciate the people that you can spend time with and know that you are in exactly the right place.