Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Out with the Old

Happy New Year. There. I said it...and I am satisfied with that. I can't guaruntee happiness after all. But I do wish everyone I know a peaceful and joyous year filled with wishes and dreams that come true. After all, the pessimists are saying that the world is going to end before next Christmas. Where is the fun in that? NASA debunked it today anyway.

The phrase that has been wiggling free in my brain is out with the old. Since my children were indulging in rageous strep throat over the holidays, they ran rather high fevers. As is typical of them, they have grown during the past two weeks as a result of or despite the fever. I have been sorting shoes, jackets, trousers and shirts. I shuffle them from closet to closet and finally to box. Some of the clothes will be new to the next one down the line while others are only fit for the trash. Why is it that children are so hard on clothes in this house? Out with the old...especially since Christmas brought new outfits to grow into.

Out with the old 2011 stuff. I worked today and sifted through my office. I filed copious amounts of paperwork that probably had been in the filing folder for at least four months. I ran virus detection programs. I copied photos to disks. In short, I filed away 2011. It was tedious, but refreshing. I think there is ten pounds less paper weighting down the desk anyway. And, my computer might run a little better with all those photographs stored elsewhere. Sale signs also went up at work. The gift shop is cheerfully offering a discount to anyone that wishes to purchase stuff so that we don't have to count it. I have to agree that it is a great idea. Who wants to count inventory? I'd rather buy it myself come to think of it. No...out with the old...make way for the new. New stuff?

It is going to be an interesting year too. Out with some of the old friends as they move onwards from this Northern climate and in with the new friends that I meet as I go about my day. My mother always used to sing "make new friends, but keep the is silver and the other gold." I find that living up here, people are very transient. I rather like that one of my new friends referred to herself as sticky. Sticky. She sticks to the people that she meets. I really appreciate that. Sometimes, I try too hard to hang onto what was in a friendship and fail to appreciate what is. So perhaps that is another way to let go of the old...Amazing what late night ramblings can come up with, isn't it?

It is also time for that after Christmas self check in. You look in the mirror and realize that the gluttony of Christmas is upon you. Literally. 5 pounds for me (read mother's shortbread, mother's roasted potatos, mother's turkey, mother's nanaimo bar, Bailey's, Frangelico, Wine, and in short....a food festival) which isn't bad considering that I wasn't really able to be as active as normal. So, it is back to the grind of the gym, dance and walking. I sure hope that the trying to bust out of myself isn't as painful as I think it might be. However, squeezing into too tight clothes is painful and I refuse to get to that back to the habits I go. Round one was tonight and was successful. I just hope that the trend continues. For the record, I totally envy the naturally slim people in my life. are the devil.

I think that the largest problem that I have is that I can make meaning out of any object, any letter, any artwork. I like clutter surrounding me and I adore my books. Photographs and toys and teas and projects can be found. I like candles and ornamentation too. Sadly, in my closet you can still find remnants of the 16 year old me, the 23 year old me, 30 year old me and the oh I liked that too me. I have such a hard time tossing out clothing that might still be useful one day. Oh yes, I am the "it might come in handy" person. I hate to throw things out just in case it might be needed once in about 20 years. My closet has words for me. "Get stuffed" and "where do you think you are going to fit that?" and "Would you like to see the floor anytime soon". Out with the old...I have to do it. And since the heart sped up and the blood pressure rose at that thought - we will hand the reins over to my other favorite personality trait: PROCRASTINATION. Which is also why I am pondering life instead of sleeping.

Besides...I might disturb the sock gremlins. They live in that closet. I am convinced.

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