Saturday, September 15, 2012

Scheduling September

Ah hello blog, I have missed you. You see this horrible thing called summer's end arrived and with it, pandemonium struck. With the advent of school, parents around the world rejoice but with it comes a whole lot is the start of "THE SCHEDULE." Or, in my world, the crazies. I love the crazies, thrive on the crazies and thoroughly love the results of the crazies. In October.

Not September.

First, I had to deal with the "forgetting" of my birthday. In retrospect, turning 40 was one of the least eventful birthday's I have ever had. A couple of phone calls, emails and a lovely picture from my girl, tagged onto a 9 year old birthday party, and a dinner out. Pretty minor in the scheme of things, but that also came with the advent of school. That meant figuring out the new school times, buses, teachers and homework. Oh dear, that dreaded homework has reared it's ugly head. So far, we are averaging 2 hours a night.

Then, you have the activities. In our house, we go to the extremes to combat the winter doldrums. Since the girls can't play outside really for 6 months of the year, we add in swimming, dance, piano, pottery and gymnastics. It does work but can feel a little busy on occasion. OK, a lot busy...but busy kids are usually healthy, active and stay out of trouble down the road. This is fabulous in November when the snow is cozying up to the house and the temperatures slip to sub zero. Yes, nothing better than chilling out with my friends while the girls dance. But that would be by November...

Not September.

Summer was wonderfully full of beach days and sunshine, walking the trails and camping in the woods. In the summer, there are days of lazing and sleeping in. There were trips and camps and fun. Pure unadulerated fun...sigh...I miss summer.

I love September's crispness in air. The trees are changing their colors from greens to golds. It is my favorite month of the year and I think I spend more time in September sulking over the fact that the kids and I can't go out to play as much as I would like. It has been stunningly lovely this month and I have had to spend so much time on this whole school thing that I have missed the walks shuffling in the leaves, and the feeding of the ducks in the pond. I have missed going for bike rides and hanging out at the park reading my books.

Oh September.

It is the best worst month of the year. I appreciate the educational system and I appreciate my holidays. Just sometimes, I wish that school ran a little longer into the summer so we could have more fun in September. Fun at forty...could be the new mantra. I've heard I get to say what I want and stop putting up other people's issues courtesy of other members of the 40's club. Maybe, just at forty will be fabulous. Think the schools will mind if I don't return the kidlets until October?

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