Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tenerife: Teide and Wine Tour

The sunrise broke over the hillside and rooftops as a sleepy gang trooped down the hill to catch the shuttle van. The destination courtesy of Digo Sports and Christian and Franc was the volcanoes. I am still not sure what the children thought as we twisted and turned our way to the mountaintops but I was fascinated watching the clouds ripple through the valleys.

First, we had the tourist information to Las Playas de Americas. We had other folk to pick up and then we were en route. The first stop was a look out point. It was clear enough to be able to see across to Las Palmas and La Gomera. I watched the ferry and started to plot. I would love to wangle my way over there for a day. After admiring the view and the dog under the parked van, we plodded on. We stopped at a charming Bar Restaurant where we had delicious coffee. Donuts and pastries were enjoyed and then we were warned to use the facilities as there would not be others for 2.5 hours. Well, off we went only to discover that the vehicle was out of fuel. A wiggle of a turn on a twisty road was done and we coasted back down to the village. Really, it was the funniest thing as the driver had totally forgotten that fuel might be important to climbing volcanoes in a National Park.

The next stop had us pulling over to the side of the road on slick ash rock. Off we trekked, following a yellow and white striped pathway. We learned about the volcanic activity in the region and learned the names of the volcanoes, not that I remember any of them at the moment. I guess I will have to acquire a map. The walk was gorgeous with clear views and we could see the clouds wending their way into the crevasses. It was not warm and I was glad to have my black hoodie with me. The girls were heard to say that they were glad that I had insisted on capris and runners, not their beloved flip flops. It was up and down terrain and the most interesting fact for me was that walking on the lava off the trail would shred your shoes and body parts if you came into contact with it. It is that sharp. The girls opted to play with the pine drifts of needles and tree boughs instead so there was nothing to worry about with them. I was surprised to see the hikers smoking along the way though. When you know how damaging fire is to a National Forest, I was sure that it would not be allowed. If undertaking the hike, I would totally recommend sensible shoes, water and snacks for the kidlets. They were not going to make it to lunch.

The crew piled back into the vans and we pulled out to twist and turn our way back barbecue areas, sheer cliff drops, terraces and all the while climbing until we could see a see of cloud. Then, the volcano Teide appeared into view. Eventually, we were dropped at the visitor center where we had to pay to use the facilities and visited the gift shop. Black ceramics are my favorite and this shop had some great examples. Then, we hiked a bit in the rocks nearby before trekking on in the vans. We could see the cable car but did not have the option on this tour to undertake it.

Vilaflor had the winery. It was a small tucked in the hillside place where they served us a fabulous lunch. The salads, cheese, local meats and desserts meant that I still haven´t decided to eat supper yet. I am still full. But then, we toured the winery and the children were taken to visit all the farm animals. From the sheep with lambs to the chickens that followed you to Pedro the Donkey, this was a happy community of animals that loved their owner. We came away with wine and having tasted most of it, I don´t know how you are supposed to choose only two bottles.

Back to the hotel now, and the kids have enjoyed the pool. I am enjoying being warm again as it was cool up in the hills, but then, it is much colder at home. I think I understand why people come here all the time, I would if I lived closer. Let´s see what the next adventure will be.

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