Monday, May 6, 2013

Things that go bump in the night

In a house that is populated in part by children, there are those things that go bump in the night. Having spent the past three weeks finding all sorts of things to do around the house that have managed to exhaust me and my family thoroughly, I have actually been forced to pause and pay attention to some of these things that indeed go bump in the night.

There is the prevailing winds that blow the hot weather in and steal it back. Currently, the deck furniture is being blown from one end of the deck to the other. In about thirty minutes, I am going to have a child that will want to wander in from her room as she hates storms. The deck furniture is right below her window too.

Often, I am trying to get myself to bed in the wee hours of the morning. Out of consideration for the sleepers in the house, I attempt the stealthy sneak from the stairs, to the bathroom, quietly brush teeth and hair etc, and then skitter to bed. Once in awhile, though, I am the thing that goes bump in the night. From bruised shins, to damaged toes or catching an elbow on the doorframe, there is something to be said for the benefits of light switches. Perhaps this is why I live in the land of the midnight sun, for a few months I have the option of going to bed in daylight no matter what!

Then, with all the rearranging of furniture and repairinng the dings in the walls, there have been obstacles of an unfamiliar nature. I have paint cans, and sanders. I have spackle and scrapers. Tape and paint brushes adorn various locations. It would be lovely if I could remember where I put the darned things when I am in a hurry or looking for something else. For three weeks, I have dodged the obstacle course, but the girls have not been so lucky. They have sleepily stumbled into paint prints and my eldest has a bruise on her knee that is wickedly pretty.

So, from there you have the cat. She yowls and prowls to the wee hours of the morning. She sings for her supper and demands cleanliness. This brown object of fluff blends into the carpet and prances on your feet in the middle of the night. Definately, she is a force to be reckoned with.

In every house, there are these peculiar things that go bump in the night. Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. Monsters under the bed. The feet from above you as you sip your cuppa before sleep. However, I have to say that lately this house takes the cake.

Tonight, my ambition is to go to bed and to sleep. With no noise...nor storm...nor cat. Fingers crossed!

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