Monday, September 30, 2013

The Art of Losing Things: Part 6

Today was such a peculiar day. Wet and soggy feet plodded their way to school and work, all the while noticing that most other folk were plodding along as well. The pouring rain meant that fashionable brollies were parading around the streets. Rubber boots splashed in the puddles. Rain drummed on the roof of my van and I relaxed eventually into my drive into work. This lulled me into a false sense of well being.

In fact, I realized on arriving to work that I had managed to lose my lunch somewhere along the way. Having a head cold means that I need to think about five steps ahead, except I forgot to do that. The kids had great lunches while my bag was deficient. Never mind, I wasn't hungry anyway and had lunch when I returned home.

Homework is the next thing on the agenda on Mondays. I have to gather snack foods, homework utensils and children on my circling way back down town. On the way downtown, we discovered missing pencils, missing books and almost a missing child as the lone boy in the Parental Taxi decided that lego was more fun. However, nothing loathe we got to the dance studio for drop offs and things settled back to normal.


I had to take the youngest to Keyano College for her dance class. We had lots of time today, and I was rather pleased with the way the children had settled into homework etc. I even had a mom to keep an eye on the other five while I ran the youngest to her class. Then, I lost all the time I had. Gridlock had invaded downtown, backing up even the parking lot. Weaving in all directions possible to get out of the parking lot, we made it to the college, but had lost all the time I had in hand. Sigh.

Deposited into class, I weaved back into the traffic mire and realized that on Franklin, some truck had lost his horseshoe trailer hitch. It was right in the middle of the road...really?This goes along with the shoes, slippers and other paraphanalia that has been tossed or lost from windows. There were garbage bags with shoes on the road on the highway as well. How do these things just disappear from vehicles?

This still wasn't the pinnacle of the losing things kind of day. No, that waited until the very end. I had already given all the children away to their rides home and had settled into class. It was great and I was looking forward to going home. That was not to be. I searched everywhere for my keys. In all the bag, lockers and office space, shoe racks and keys. Sighing, I called for back up. Yes, my eldest had taken my keys home with her lovely self, not realizing it.

Standing in the rain, I wandered the parking lot until rescued, and bought an umbrella to have my own stylish one, which I know tomorrow I will lose to my eldest who has to walk to school. Losing things...

It will be funny.


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