Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Costa Rica: Poas Volcano and Peace Waterfall Gardens

Time for another adventure with Sol Tropical Tours. It was our last adventure with them today. Our driver Happer and Christian obviously forgot to dance to the sun Gods as the day loomed a bit hazy and clouds surrounded the mountains. We got on the bus anyway, and motored up and away to the Cloud  Rainforest.

The drive distracted us for a bit, as it wove through another city center before climbing out and up the mountain. The road twists and curves, plunging around ravines and sweeping up past villages asleep. this is definitely a road trip that requires motion sickness tablets for any queasy stomach. Don't say in didn't warn you! I was very relieved to be able to indulge in a cup of coffee.

Coffee was required to lift the spirits as the fine misty rain splattered our faces as we got got off the bus. In fact, the Poas Volcano was shrouded in cloud, so the plan changed and we went to the peace waterfalls first. any hope of better weather was dashed on arrival. Next note is that if the guide suggests a poncho, do it! We. Lost two cameras today due to excessive moisture. The rain drenched all raincoats and clothing. We were chilled to the one by the end.

 However, this is a wonderful stop. The birds are plentiful and it is a rescue center for wild animals. We saw parrots, butterflies, hummingbirds (not caged), snakes, orchids, frogs, cows, monkeys, felines and of course magnificent waterfalls. I was taken with the hummingbirds, but since zoos are abolished here, refuge centers are the best way to see the wildlife up close. I would have loved the waterfalls but I was far too wet and cold to really appreciate them, and the kids were worse. I would love to see this on a dry day. Maybe we will go back? As it was, we had to buy new clothes for the kids as they were too wet.

From here, we  optimistically went to the Poas Volcano. It was still misty raining so we strolled up and quickly viewed the hidden crater as it briefly peeped out,  before legging it back to the bus. It was rather frustrating as the day before it had been beautiful. It made me wish the tour guide had the flexibility to change the plan based on weather.

Lunch was back at our coffee stop. The open windows were chilly and the service was a it disorganized. They had missing meals etc. we did appreciate our guide asking for a fire for warmth and the hot food when it did arrive. I had tilapia for the first time and it was pretty good. So, late lunch let to a long drive home.

This was also the day that we had to work out tips. This is exceptionally daunting traveling as a family as of course, tips are expected along the way for all the extra guides. The expected tip based on their recommendations is $10 used per day per person. We did four tours (although the city tour was disappointing) so that works out to $160 minimum for a family of four. I am still stunned. This to me, while I understand it, means we really have to curtail our remaining tour plans as it was not budgeted for when we first signed up. Read the fine print.

This evening, we drove to the Multiplaza and wow, can you say Vegas? I was there to replace a camera, which the rainforest had proven to be too much for, and get groceries. No more eating out due to tips. The girls found Justice, and books and shoes and and and Costa Rica Girl and it was really tough to get out of there quickly. Also note that the roads have tolls that need to be paid in cash and you have to pay for parking. There are surprises everywhere.

Now, I am shivering in a hammock...writing a blog and thinking about more coffee. I have a new camera and well, looking forward to spending time in the countryside tomorrow.

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