Thursday, March 29, 2012


Today is just a day. One whole day in the world of many days. What did you do with yours?

My life is programmed; structured with routine and places to be on time. The children went to school and I went to the gym. I also spent time having coffee with friends, cleaning the van, doing laundry, dancing and shuffling the after school activities. There were good times and bad times. All in all, it was a roly poly day. The thing is...well I know about my day. I know what I was thinking and feeling as I went about the errands and during the quiet time of waiting.

Today was a day that has me wondering. How many of you stopped to question why a comment was said? What happened in a moment to cause the words to flow? Words have power. They have a buzz. They float through the air and can change emotions, expressions and feelings in a heart beat. Some words have the ability to create happiness, calm and harmony in our world. Others have the power to hurt, wound and impact people negatively.

What did you do with your words today?

Honest reflection lets me know that I had both sorts of words in my world today. I don't think any irrepairable damage was done, nor do I think I promised moons, stars and other such wonders. I parented and that involves both sorts of words daily. There was humor, laughter and meaningful conversations.

There is so much communication out there. People text, bbm, facebook, read, talk, phone and not necessarily in that order. I think that people forget how easy it is for news to spread. Similarly, information is tossed around at such great speed that it gets lost. How effective is your communication? Are you getting the messages across that you want?

I know what I think I heard today. Buzz buzz buzz it is already becoming filtered and processed in my mind. I am tired and don't quite know how to process all of it yet. I am saddened by some news and excited by some. I guess we will see how the buzz shakes down.

Words to live by:

Listen well
Love much
Give often
Don't count the cost.

1 comment:

  1. OMGoodness... I spent way too much time today "wondering why a certain comment was made," or more accurately, why several comments were made. You are so right... words can have such a sharp effect on others. Thanks for the post. I enjoyed it.

    Dee :)
