Sunday, December 19, 2010


Tis the season to be Christmassy. Now I know that really isn't a word but it does represent the thoughts that are within the quiet spaces of my mind. Currently, I am watching the Grinch Who Stole Christmas and this was preceeded by A Christmas Carol. I taught sunday school this morning and made Smores and penguins with the 5 year olds. So, what have I learned today? What is the purpose of Christmas? Here are my thoughts at random.

1) I believe that Christ is the centre of Christ - mass. This means that I celebrate Christmas as a birthday. I love the festivities of birthdays with cake, presents and crafts and it is this celebratory event that I taught in Sunday School. Jesus was the intial gift who saves from sin - and since I have many - I appreciate this gift. I can celebrate this gift with joy and singing and fun too. I don't have the serious bone often.

2) Children are a gift. Each one is uniquely wrapped with treasures inside. I am surrounded by gifts that when unwrapped have creative minds, loving hearts, wonder and curiosity, voices that sing, legs that dance and laughter. Even those moments that drive me crazy are a gift as they are teaching me patience, kindness, respect for individuality and thinking that is not always inside the box.

3) Commitment to stand for what I believe in. I can do my best and that is good enough. If Jesus were lowly enough to be born in a stable then I have enough - I am enough as the gift that I am to be where I am, exactly as I am and someone will appreciate the gifts that I have to give. I can dance in a show and make mistakes but those mistakes still have value as those eyes in the audience can see that you don't have to be slim to dance, you don't have to be young to dance, you don't have to be perfect to dance. You just have to dance to dance. (Feel free to substitute your passion for the word dance). Be committed to do what you say when you say you are going to do it. In fact, that just might be my resolution for the coming year.

4) Take time to spend with people. You are the gift that they need. They don't need the stuff as much as they need you. A phone call, a coffee delivered, a helping hand. Why not be the "coupon book" that will offer to have a new mom have shower, deliver a coffee to someone that can't get out much, do dishes for someone, help clean a house, drive someone somewhere, and don't ask for your money back. I can be a friend in many ways and I will always be there if you need me. I don't care if my feelings are hurt, or if I feel neglected, or if I am too busy . . I will always have time for you. I challenge you to be the same.

5) I made smore snowmen with the children because at Christmas you always need s'more. Some more love,peace, kindness and healing, compassion and passion, dreams and wonder, and the GIFT,

I challenge you to learn as I have. To dream as I do. And to be a gift. Most importantly, be a GIFT. Be Christmassy.

Merry Christmas!

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