Sunday, December 12, 2010

Seriously? Why did no one tell me that?

Seriously? Sometimes life is designed to make you feel that you are completely foolish. This moment is definately one of those moments. You see, one of the joys in life that I have is really deliciously made London Fog. I happen to be rather particular about the qualities of my London Fog. My London Fog is made with one shot of vanilla flavor, skim milk and one Earl Grey tea bag. Sounds simple, but it really isn't.

I love the one that I get from Coco Jo's downtown. One of my luxuries is to go downtown to get a London Fog and relax for a bit. Meanwhile the girls like to get a hot chocolate. The difficult part is that the drive takes 20 minutes through mad chaotic traffic and that is just one way. This means that you have to have a reason to be downtown in the first place. To be honest, I will not drive downtown for just the London Fog.

The only other place in town that I knew that made a London Fog was Starbucks. Trust me, what they make cannot be classified as a London Fog in my opinion. It just doesn't suit my tastebuds. When I couldn't get to the real London Fog, I sometimes settled for a Tim Horton's Steeped Tea. Now, that appeals to me on some levels, but it really cannot be considered to be up to the standards of a true luxurous beverage.

So, now imagine my surprise and disgust when I discover via a friend that SUBWAY has a drive through and sells coffees. I looked at her with mild disbelief and just thought to myself that it was like the regular coffee shops in town. She insists that it is a "real" coffee place that is run in conjunction with SUBWAY. I was willing to indulge her and went for a drive through the drive-thru. To my great astonishment, they sold a London Fog. So, I ordered one. It was even better than Coco Jo's. I was completely floored.

But to tell the truth, the worst part of the whole situation was that this place is two blocks from my house. I am so completely disgusted that this place has been there for over a year, and because I don't eat at SUBWAY, I never found it. Still shaking my head over the whole scenario.

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