Friday, December 3, 2010

Oh dear . . .do you think she knows?

Have you ever signed up for something? That something that you thought you were really good at? Maybe even had a spark of talent for? Every now and then, I take time out to do things that make me feel good and accomplished. The problem is . . . I don't always know what those things are. Then there are those things that you sign up to do so that you can spend quality time with your friends and family. Spa appointments, dance classes, birthday parties, and gym memberships fall into that category. Finally, there are those volunteer commitments and have to sign up for or the good things don't happen sort of things. Those are things like the bake sales, cutting out weird shapes for scrapbooks, gluing progress reports and so on.

Tonight was one of those nights that makes you question the wisdom of your decisions. I went to my evening dance class and participated in all the routines. The more I practised, the worse I got. I was thinking about the previous mistakes while continuing to make more. The dark cloud of the performance looms in about three weeks. There are all those nuances to remember like where your hands go, left and right feet, bent knees, jumping low to the ground (sounds strange but is true), and what moves go with which music. My brain hurts. My body is cold and stiff. The worst part is that I really wanted to do well. Sigh. This is a moment where you know you have bitten off more than you can chew.

So, to console myself, I trundled off to Walmart to hooligant through the nothingness of the aisles and chat with friends. Politely, they shopped and did not refer to the previous episode. Three Christmas presents later and with feet that really were not made for walking, I finally decided that I was too tired. I had been walking into people, or falling into people. I had managed to forget to bring in shopping bags so had to remember to only purchase what I could carry in my hands. The joys of bagfree shopping in our communtiy.

Now, I am tired and sleepy. But due to the complete analysis of the mayhem that I have caused so far tonight, sleep itself seems to be a bit elusive. Let me see....

One two three four, step, open, close, open, guns turn slide, wiggle wiggle, shimmy shimmy shimmy and step sing...(and you wonder why I am so confused). Showtime in three weeks. . .I will have to keep you posted on that one and in the meantime . . .practise. Off I go

1 comment:

  1. OH Em, it will all come together, probably right at the bitter end. You will do great!
