Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weighted Issues

It is a reflective mood that I am in currently. You see, I am one of those women. You know the kind. Alway curvy, always wobbly in some of the right places and definately a few wrong ones. I have a love affair with chocolate as the ultimate feel good until it gravitates to my tummy and stays put forever.

I am one of those women. The kind that hates the image in the mirror and stubbornly decided to do something about it. I joined weightwatchers and began to truly monitor what it was that I was eating. Several shocks and some calorie calculations later, I have managed to create a reasonable eating regime that has had the benefit of not making me gain more wobbles.This woman also continued to work out at the Gym. Boot Camps, Step Classes, Functional Fitness, Swimming - I do it all. Add to that, three dance classes a week and still I have plenty left to shimmy with. Lots of points that should have a point.

There is the memory work and the challenges of scheduling. There is the constant battle with the want to have over the should have. Even with supportive friends, the fun seems to have gone out of food and exercise. Maybe it is this time of year. The stress of year end show and having to be stage perfect and feeling anything but. The memory work is supposed to feel like accomplishments. I am sure of it.

So, tommorrow starts another week. I have to do it all again, and again....and again. Today is the day, that the weight feels like too much work and effort.

Maybe I should just accept that today, I am OK, wobbles and all. Yes, I was frustrated tonight and more than a little stressed. But who really cares if I did it right? Who cares if I look odd? I think today - I am going to revert to my three year old debut and sit in the middle and watch. Today is the day that I want to be just like you. Today is the day that I am going to say to hell with it and just be me.

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