Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Time Blues

It's funny how the phrase get coined. There ain't no cure for the summer time blues is the song that I have heard played at parties over the years. It baffled me as to how anyone could get the blues during the summer. However, I seem to be facing that reality at the moment.

The whirlwind of dance and rehearsals comes to an end at the end of the week. There will be three months off from the pagentry, exercise and sweat. There will be no more costumes and make up. The swimming lessons are wrapping up and the end of year activities at the schools has begun. In the wee hours of the morning, I will not be madly scrambling to prepare lunches and dinners, bags for school and bags for dance. Add to that, the exercise classes will be winding down. There will be peace and quiet in the realms of my world.

This is inevitably the time of good byes in this town too. Around town the for sale signs are popping up and the children are starting to wonder how many of their friends will be moving away over the summer. Usually, we lose a few and some we already know about. Our town is resilient in that we make good friends, fast friends and know how to stay in touch (thank you facebook...I know it pains me too). The children have a harder time accepting that.

Some folks are taking the opportunity to go on holidays for the summer months. This again is a wonderful thing but it leaves gaps in the social network that I enjoy. I spend all winter socializing and running at a flat out pace for most of it. It is starting to mess with my mind on the whole concept of thinking about "What on earth am I going to do with myself."

So. While I know that the majority of people would revel in the moments of quiet and time to relax, I am discovering that situation is terrible for me. I get lonely and I get BORED! I just don't do it well. Funnily enough, I think I have a talent for out and out chaos. I almost thrive on it (and she shudders with disbelief that the statement is true).

Now there is a statement that goes something along the lines of "if you do what you've always done, you get what you've always got." I tend to take the summers easy and camp and eat and have a grand old time but....I can't handle the results of this. I hate to break this to my friends but...I don't know how to slow down anymore so....

This summer means camping. It means going to the gym and I am going to need friends to come too. I have found Zumba and it entertains me. It means summer camps and playdates, going to the lake and generally causing mayhem. Sounds like winter? Yep, it's my cure for the summer time blues. Here comes a crazy (and still smokey summer). Sorry may as well just come along for the ride.

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