Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Back to School

It would appear to be that time of year for adults and students alike. The wind has cooled amid the summer sunshine that still attempts to warm our skin. However, like most these days, I am progressing through that inevitable to do list that September brings. I used to adore the approach of September. I love the colours of the autumn leaves and the crunch of leaves underfoot. That smell of chill in the air, with the frosty morning breath. I enjoy having the darkness arrive at bedtime so that sleep comes that little bit easier. These are the things that I love about September...but I am learning to dread the approach.

I have been mindmelded by the back to school shopping lists provided by the schools. Can anyone explain to me realistically how a Grade 3 student is going to use 60 pencils this year? Really? And she is really going to need 5 glue sticks plus two large Elmer glues? Are the permanent markers for her or the teacher? How many students am I really buying supplies for is what I want to know. Does my Grade 1 student need two boxes of pencil crayons for the entire year? A binder with a zipper is mandatory? What is she going to do with that and she requires 4 black erase markers and and and.

OK. I have already understood that I am purchasing supplies for my children. I get that. But, I feel like I am charitably donating to the underpriviledged children without the added benefit of the tax receipt. I feel bamboozled by the school district, and I am paying $500 in school fees already. It smarts a bit. Add to that the bins for school supply donations and it all gets to be a bit much.

Then there is the sting of after school activities. There is the YMCA membership that is now due. Dance fees, gymnastics, swimming, piano and art. All have September due dates. Ouch again, but our winters are not pleasant in the north, so I feel that it is better to make sure they stay active during the winter. After all, there is all those studies that point to childhood obesity and so on. Meanwhile, I have my own activity agenda as well.

Now, add to that the nefarious car repairs that September typically brings and the back to school clothing. What child doesn't outgrow absolutely everything that they own about a week prior to school starting? It seems to be the rule around here.

All I have to say is that I had a paid off credit card two months ago. Now...not so much...

 Sunset over Vancouver Island...a side trip from the summer...it was a great night.

The post box was from the Duncan Forest Museum - just to prove you can still get educated while on holidays. Summer doesn't have to end....it doesn't ...
Lastly, I love having the kids at home to play with, camp with and bake with. I get a kick out of listening to their plays and creativity. I am not ready for back to school. I just got into the swing of this summer thing. Got a pause button anyone? Anyone? Make time stop!

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