Monday, December 12, 2011

Time is of the Essence

Time is of the essence: a phrase that was in a contract that I read today. It made me stop and think. Time is the essence of what exactly? I am battered and swayed in the winds of change and by the sands of time...essentially the same as everyone else. So, what does this ambiguously pompous statement mean?

I constantly hear people demand more time. Me time, quality time, time to relax, time to go, time for school, time for work, lunch time, recess time, home time, bed time, never enough time. The clock is ticking and what on earth for? Have you noticed how many times a day you use the word "time?" What time is it?

Surrounded by the Christmas hullaballo, and shiny trinkets that shout at you from miles away, you can't escape that marketing machine that scorns the frugal. Instead, it is Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Free Shipping Day splatted across the internet gleefully. Time to spend your hard earned cash on frivolity for others. Choose it, wrap it, spend it, deliver you have enough time to get it all done?

Frankly, I am exhausted. For the record, I am close to being finished the Christmas list of to do things. I start early as I find it overwhelming and I like to enjoy the season. But I am tired. I have had lots of little things eat into what I call down time. What do I have to show for it? I have raced around to fit in doctors visits, school pick ups, rearranging schedules, working, laundry, recovery from the weekend trip to Edmonton which was spectacularly packed and still, not everything was done as we ran out of time.

Today, it the day that time is of the essence. Today is the day that I am going to stop and decide. Right now.


For me that is going to mean the following:

1) If you are coming to visit me, my house will be as clean as possible - but will most likely be untidy. I am not going to nag the girls until they pick everything up just so more kids can come and tip out all the bins. I will allow them the opportunity to play with their stuff. It is not decorative art and I would do well to remember that.

2) I would rather worry about the state of your mind and heart, than the state of your house. Take the time to visit with me - no stress attached. I care about you - not your house.

3) There are Christmas concerts, sing songs, events all over the place. I am going to choose some to enjoy and that means I might not be cleaning my house after all. I will however, be spending quality time with my friends and family. This is the season that people get lonely for no reason.

4) My girls will only be little for a short time. I want to take time to savor their snuggles and appreciate their stories. While I still have to discipline, I need to take the time to listen to their feelings, opinions and reasoning. I will accept that I am not always right. (I was right to be upset about the holey door {and where do you get a door mid week anyway?}).

5) I am going to be OK with my own company. I will accept that people are busy and don't have time for tea breaks, coffee breaks etc. I don't always either. But when they are available, I too will make the effort.

Time is of the essence. Read the Christmas story. The message is hope, love, peace and joy in the message. I am not perfect. I am not always right. But, I have hope. I can change. I can make a difference. I just have to take the time to stop. Be still. Listen to the still small voice...

and stop typing cliches. I can do it. Can you?

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