Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Value of Time

Time is often used as part of excuses or apologies, for deadlines and definitions, and for planning and leisure activities. If you think about it, there is not one aspect of your day that is not dictated overtly or inadvertently by time. There is likely to be a clock attached to your bedside table, your stove and even your body through watches, telephones or other digital media that we just can't do without. (And have you ever thought about how a watch watches you?)

Time is money. I have heard that a great deal. You get paid by the amount of time that you invest into a company. People get paid more for working over time. People get disciplined for not using their time wisely. Students are penalized for being late for school. Buses run late and whole communities are impacted negatively. I understand this. I realize that it is necessary even. Wasting time comes across as being a negative and undesirable trait. On a personal level, I hate being late for anything as I feel that I am being rude, impolite or just missing out on something. However, I can't control circumstances around me and sometimes I am late.

Being late is a circumstance that hasn't killed me yet. In fact, by being a minute or two behind schedule has sometimes saved me from disaster. Like the accident that happened a few cars ahead on the road way. Two minutes might have meant me. Missing a train that had an accident was irritating at the time until I learned the result. However, I would also argue that being early for things gets you one on one time with people that evolves into quality conversation. It can give you time to settle into a space, get organized into your day and just having room to breathe.

The thing that I am learning to notice is that how time impacts everything. It dictates when you get up and when you go to sleep. By the clock, you go to your work, eat, play and go through life. Even on vacation, your flights and car rentals, hotel check ins and check outs and tourist attractions are all operating on a timed basis. How can people ever truly relax? There is value in having the time for vacation and certainly value in having your vacation run smoothly.

However, being a person that is constantly told that I am too busy and too stressed...I am also thinking that there is value in forgetting about time. Having those days that I can ignore clocks, forget about time tables and just relax are rare. Having children that were ill put things off kilter and I did totally forget about the regular timetable. I was up when they were up and slept when someone else could look after them. My mother did the cooking on her timetable and I was just grateful for the kitchen boss! It gave me cause to reflect that there is value in just being.

Anyway, here are some new years resolutionary time things to keep in mind from my point of view.

At some time this year:
  1. I will take a full day and waste it away doing things that I want to do.
  2. I will take a holiday and leave the time keepers in the suitcases.
  3. I will take time to allow each child to dictate the program for a day so that they get what they want.
  4. I will have a day where I do nothing but absolutely nothing.
  5. I will spend more quality time with people.
  6. I will spend less time worrying about stuff I can't change anyway. 
  7. I will enjoy those time fragments in between appointments to just breathe.
  8. I will make time windows for the unexpected and enjoy the diversion.
  9. I will have time to just meditate on the daily events in the quiet of my mind. ( my mind is never quiet...)
  10. I will make time for the activities that I enjoy and fit the chores around it.
Lastly, I appreciate the value of time, but I also appreciate the value of no time. Think about what time does to your life. Think about how your use of time impacts others. For example, I spend thirty minutes rambling on a blog. You just spent time reading it (thank you). I hope it holds value. When I am late...early...on time...what does that do to others? When I stress about time or lack thereof, what does that do? There are only so many hours in a day...use them wisely for work, rest and play. Balance is everything.

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