Saturday, October 1, 2011

Be Yourself: The Good Enough Story

This weekend I have had the opportunity to be away from the usual stuff in my life to take in the learning posed at an annual conference for my profession. I am one who works in and around museums. This is a profession that changes names depending on who I am talking to. I am curator, grant writer, educator, exhibition builder, writer, professional tourist, museologist, museum geek...yes...I have a number of titles that I ascribe to myself. In the process, I often choose to forget that I am also a mother, exercise freak, eccentric, unique, creative, that is passionate about people, places and the stories that they tell. I am me...and that is just fine thank you.

I was going through a phase where I was feeling stressed and frantic within the confines of my own world. Some noticed that I was a bit off, but for the most part, I carry on at my usual breakneck speed through my world. I thrive on chaos. Odd, but true. My stress seems to come from a lack of focus, worry...especially about others, and dropping the ball. That is another way of leaving others in charge of my world and trusting them to understand the methods I use to make it all work.

All that is just background to my point to ponder. I have had some wonderful experiences this weekend in storytelling and magic making. I listened to that fellow that wrote the book of 1000 awesome things and well...he was awesome. His whole focus is about noticing the positive elements in your life and generating valuable meaning out of them. It was about making the most of your opportunities. He showed an affirmation video on Jessica...a little almost four year old who affirmed herself on a daily basis.
I later saw another video posted from word press on the impact that changing your words can make.
I hope you have time to watch them...they can truly change how you are thinking today. I have listened to people that have found the joy and celebration in all that they do.

From there, I decided to embrace the joy and celebration and got back into my outgoing bubbly self. This is a person that had been decidedly lacking of late. I dressed up in as the executive director of the conference noted "as an ABBA meets the Partridge family outfit" to go to the dancing through the decades event and won a tank ride for my outfit. Very nifty, and danced the night away. I know that there are pictures out afraid! I also participated in all the events and talked to everyone I could. I met new friends and old friends and had a great time. I also won a family pass to the Ukranian Village and a conservators kit. Not a bad weekend...I found a dress or two while shopping that made my wardrobe smile if not my credit card.

I have had a night out with an old friend and thoroughly enjoyed the company and that elusive thing: the ability to be me with no strings attached. So that is what I have gained from the weekend. Not only have I had a huge professional development curve, but I am also relieved to note that for the moment...I have me back. I am good enough and if you don't like me...tough!

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