Friday, October 28, 2011

Blustery Pooh Bear Days: Tangent

Tangent. Can we all say tangent? I know I was supposed to be doing some work today, cleaning the house and organizing. Oh yes, there was the to do list looming wide with bold black lettering over my head. It was there. . . but then I looked out the window. Whoops.

You see, there was this really beautiful golden sunbeam. It stretched across the sky and was definately scooting those grey clouds to the side. The wind was dancing through the leaves with gleeful abandon. The leaves were orange and red and brown and the leaf piles were starting to dissipate. I glanced over the kitchen and thought, to heck with it. I bundled three kids up into their coats and mittens with an offer of going to the park.

From rumbling a wagon down the road, to munching on contraband muffins. I forgot to mention that the muffins we baked earlier had mysterious vanished from the stove. (I haven't found the evidence yet, but I know it will be in the house somewhere.) They can't have eaten 24 muffins...right? The girls and I wandered down the back alley, through the leaf piles and scuffed our way to the park. Oh and yes, of course I am having a day with not my kids my kids...just two today though I think.

Anyway, there were trees down, dogs barking and cars that refused to see their way clear to acknowledging crosswalks. All the while, the wind whipped the hair, the princesses invented a castle with a moat that served ice cream. There were dragons and aliens. Some princes must have gone into hiding as there was too much drama to cope with. I laughed so hard my sides hurt and my nose grew red with waiting to see which tower belonged to which princess. The Ailish commandeered the slide and meandered through an adventure of ethereal slides. Have you ever seen a dragon fall off a swing? Seen a frog pull a wagon? Seen the upsidedown puffer fish hang from the monkeybars? You have treats in store.

After two hours, I was numb and cold. I had talked to my brother who made fun of me for a bit and walked laps around the playground. It was so worth it. We got back and I know they were exhausted as the whine came out to play and the cooperation was suddenly out the window. It is a small price to pay for an afternoon of entertainment and dress up play. They are now in ballerina outfits. The first not my kid my kid has vanished in a wake of pink sass, so she was tired out...and we are awaiting a vision of dracula to arrive (her mother's comment based on a halloween party).

Such a pooh bear day. Oh dear...look at that kitchen...anyone else want to play?

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