Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My shirt is on backwards...

Oh yes, today was one of those days. It all seemed to be progressing quite ordinarily, but then...I was fated to look down. I looked down to my brown sweater and brown belt. And while the belt was facing the right direction, that wee sweater of mine had the low cut vee with beige cami decorating my back. After inspecting the results in the mirror that was conveniently located across from the sink, I decided to hell with it and left it. Oh yes, today was one of those days...

It all started with that monotonous beeping noise. I couldn't quite place it so bashed it...until the sound rolled over and played dead. That was then pierced by this wretched shrill beeping noise and my unconcious self finally noticed that I really did have to do something about it, along the lines of actually getting out of bed 10 minutes before child one had to be at the bus. For the record...she made it. However, it was frantically getting her out the door (thank goodness it was pj day at school) along with a very chipper child #2. So, ran to the bus, walked back, hauled the garbage out as the garbage trucks drove by, got child #2 piano practise in, and then walked her to the bus. Except well, she plodded rather than walked and sang rather than walk and nearly missed the bus. Thankfully, the bus driver knows her by now so drove up to meet us.

Traffic of course was dreadful on the way to work, and work became a riddle of problems left over from other people's lack of attention to detail. So, nursing a wicked headache, along with the rest of this town from the sounds of it (I wonder if we are all allergic to clouds and/or rain) I finished my day and drove like a bandit back up the hill. Nabbed the first kid, then the second and hightailed it back to downtown.

For the next three hours I chilled out downtown while various dance lessons happened. They were both by turns, hungry, thirsty, tired, cranky and really really really LOUD in their complaints over the lack of food that they wanted to eat, drinks that they wanted to drink and homework that they didn't want to do. However, the homework got done. Food that was provided was eaten. Heaven forbid that they eat anything other than junk.Then...I drove up the hill with them in tow, late as usual. Finally, I got to Y, handed them off and relaxed by having my butt kicked in a water workout at the Y. I felt better at the end, or so I thought. Apparently, I was too tired to dress myself properly and well, my sweater is on backwards.

I suppose I could have changed it back around, but really, I am not that fussed about it. Once again, the humor overrode the logical conclusion and I wandered out as I was...sometimes, it feels great to be human. Today was one of those days.

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