Friday, November 18, 2011

There Once Was Girl...

You can poke fun at me all you like, but why break with tradition? It seems that everytime there are more girls in the house, the more stories I have to tell. They are just too good not to.

My afternoon started with the eldest bringing me home the best report card that she had ever had. I was estatic. To celebrate, we decided that we would go to Boston Pizza for lunch. This meant bringing the other child and her friend. Trying to order food took a while as they had to peruse the menu. The menu was read aloud (and I mean LOUD) in both French and English before they resorted to singing their requests to the waitress. Shhh and turn down the volume were muttered to no avail. So, now we have to wait.

The waitress returned with coloring sheets and books. That led into mixing colors to create new ones. I had a shock when the younger two were talking about their day. It started off relatively harmless. They had completed some color mixing experiments in class today and I guess there was a surprise when orange was created instead of green. My daughter then started talking about a particular boy...who likes a lot of the girls. He had gone to the girls bathroom instead of the boys and caused a bit of a commotion. Nothing much there until I asked the other girl, well isn't he your special boyfriend? (They had been kissing a couple of weeks back). I got told "Oh no Mrs. M. He goes with K and they kiss all the time." My lovely lass confirmed this and I just looked anywhere but at them for fear of laughing.

That was the end of that. Now, my borrowed child is quite a storyteller. Turns out that she was spinning a tale about candyland and my elder daughter was to be queen of the land. The land was made of red suckers. Of course the crown wouldn't last long as it was made of suckers too. The grandparents were Grandpa and Grandma sucker (I wonder how many grandparents feel that way?) and when I suggested lollipops, I got "suckerpunched" with a litany of why they could not be lollipops. I still can't explain it. Anyway, the most humorous part was when I got told people in candyland can't eat healthy foods as they would get cavities. Since they were all living in candyland, they didn't have to eat their lunch as it would give them cavities and they didn't want to go to the dentist. Instead, they should have dessert as people in candyland never get cavities from junk food. Master manipulators or what?

So, now we are at home. I have managed to do some online Christmas shopping. We had had a fashion parade of costumes and the girls have played with their Monster High dolls. ( one had a wee misshap and broke her arm...[doll not child]). A bit of TV was watched, but of course there are always surprises. When the delightful mom showed up to collect her cinderella, we got the information that they had watched a short DVD in my room? When did they sneak in there? I have been doing laundry half the afternoon and I didn't see the evidence. Sigh...I guess that is the way of girls. All in all, it has been a productive afternoon.

Festival of're on deck!

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