Thursday, November 10, 2011

Too tired to think

Business. Busyness. What is the difference? Sometimes, I have absolutely no idea.

Today, the munchkins that inhabit the realms of the imaginary world that exisits within the wall of my house were off school. Today was a day when they could sleep in and play. However, since they could sleep in...apparently this was all the knowledge that they needed and they opted to get up and get cracking. I also wound up with two "not my kids my kids" to help out those who still had to go to work. Schools don't think about daycare when they decide that teachers need a break.

This morning was also eventful in that it snowed. Invariably, people seem to panic and forget everything they know about winter driving over the summer. They get used to being able to stop on a dime. Tires are supposed to grip and hug those corners didn't you know. I heard that people took anywhere from 1.5 hours to 3.5 hours to get to work. Being sensible, of course I decided to take them all to the YMCA.

The YMCA turned out Ok in the end (had to deal with a few policy glitches etc long suffering sigh here). We were in the pool for over 1.5 hours and had even more time on the play structures. I was already tired by the time we got home at 1. Next up was lunch and then I settled in to do some work...with the interruptions of the inside/outside/inside game, snacks and fluid breaks. The I/O/I game is where they can't agree on an inside game so the crew bundle up in all their winter gear and go outside for about 10 minutes before deciding that it is too cold and come in. There were forgotten mittens and doors opening and closing all the time. Once it was over, we had a cat with a queen game, school teacher games and zhu zhu pet games.

It suddenly dawned on me that I had to get the girls ready to go around 3 in the afternoon. There was yet another mad scramble for shoes and mittens; coats and hats. One child was picked up by an equally busy mom, one child was delivered home, one was delivered to a pool and another to dance. One was picked up from the pool and delivered to dance while one was met at dance and told to chill out. Then, since the case of the missing tap shoe bag is still unsolved, it was off to buy tap shoes. Got those and returned to home base for dinner at 7.

Dinner was served simply and was followed by child shennanigans that made me decide to have them do piano practise. I settled them down with that and then deposited them to bed. My delightful teen babysitter arrived and I took off back to dance on my own account. Hip Hopped and Tappidy Tapped and then came home to do some more work. It is now midnight. All I have to say is I think I am too tired to think.

I would like a holiday...who's in?

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