Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dinner Shennanigans: The Art of Being Random

Accidents are sometimes the best thing. I could be totally bent out of shape, but instead, I had a wonderful funfilled evening of terrible British humor, Big Bang Theory, crazy children that actually behaved and a dinner that worked out well. The thing is that I had invited some friends for dinner. My friends have just moved back and don't really know everyone, but I thought it would be nice to have a traditional family Sunday Dinner.

Dinner consisted of ham, asparagus, potatoes, carrots, and my kids favorite beets. Beets are a favorite for all the wrong reasons but at least they eat them. I was pretty impressed with myself. There were no smoke alarms. Nothing was burnt, and the wine was very yummy. The house was cleaned and table set and prepared.

Now this is my world. You know by now that nothing is really this simple. During prep time, I had an additional child added to the repetoire. There was a queen who needed to assist the cleaning process (think Cinderella meets batman and you might get there). I witnessed dancing and singing. There were at least 5 costume changes. But then the not my kid my kid got concerned that she didn't seem to have her own adult. At that moment, the phone rang and I learned that one of her adults had been exploring the possibilities of having his back bumper rearranged. So, the not my kid my kid was informed that an adult would arrive asap, but in the meantime, she knew she would be loved and fed just like my own. Off she went for the next game (Zhu zhus meet tinkerbell).

So, 5:30 came and went and I started to wonder where the dinner guests were. Dinner was pretty much done and I was relieved to see my friends and entourage show up. Children were fed first, as there is only so much room at the table. However, that group of friends was not the original invitee. We laughed, drank cupcakes (see cupcakes, california 2009) and toasted friendship. Once the kids were fed and the not my kid my kids mommy showed up to rescue a concerned little mite, the adults sat down and ate.

The best part was after dinner. Everyone just chilled and relaxed. We watched random episodes of TV and made fun of each other until everyone was done with both food, laughter and children. After all, sooner or later the children decide that they are too tired to be nice anymore and they become "others," those nasty beasts from the nether world. So, they are off to bed and the guests are off home. I have had a good evening...but I wonder what happened to our original guests? I guess they forgot. Sometimes, random acts of friendship can be the most rewarding!

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