Monday, April 9, 2012

Being Yourself

Sometimes the world goes around in circles. You are told to be yourself while at the same time being considerate of others. The question is to do what comes naturally? Or to do what people tell you to do?

Have you ever watched children at play. At the heart of the matter, they want to have fun and play. Each of them have their own ways of interpreting what is fun and what is meant by play. Problems inevitably arise but normally, there is a verbal give and take until a consensus is reached. Ruffled feathers are soothed and forgotten about within a few minutes of a disturbance. Children are themselves, as they don't have the filters on their roles in life yet. It is refreshing and unique.

One of the phrases that I have taken to heart for this year is "I am me". For me, this is a reminder to be myself and to remember what it is that I like, that I value. This reminder is to be the best "me" that there is the power to be. Does this mean that I get to instill my will on others? Realizing that my actions have impact on others is one thing. Deliberately forcing people to accept my views and opinions is another matter entirely. I have often been informed that I have done stupid things with good intentions. But at least I know that my intentions were good at the time. I believe that I need to try to accept other people's view points for who and what they are as they are important. That does not mean I have to agree.

Throughout our days, there are people that are constantly in and out of our circles of influence. My goal is to enjoy them fully. I appreciate humor, energy, enthusiasm, imagination, and even dress up clothes on the cat. I like the adults and the children. Everyone is so unique, and it fascinates me that not one person on the planet thinks the same way I do...or even looks just like me. (Don't you dare suggest that is probably a good thing.)

For me, I am me is a good reminder to not step back in the box that other people have created for me. If I want to be in a box, I should be the one to build it. Likewise, I need to stop trying to fit other people into my box. Just because my opinions, values and interests are different, doesn't make any of us bad people. It does make us different and being unique is just fine thank you. If other people don't understand, their problem...not mine.

So...another thought that was germinated by a missed friend in Calgary...just in case you wondered if I was paying attention...I was. We each (and so do many of my friends) have children and adults in our lives that are fearfully and wonderfully made...just as God intended. No one is a mistake. Everyone is belongs and is supposed to be here in order to create the life lesson journeys that we are supposed to.

And on that note...I have rambled on pillow is nagging at me.

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