Sunday, April 15, 2012

Comedy of Errors or Friday the 13th?

Never mind one day of incidents and coincidences that just seem to happen around the Friday the 13th date. I really do try not to be superstitious or suspicious. But seriously? The events of this weekend have sorely tried my patience with sheer impossibilities of silliness. I guess I should wind the clock back to Friday and try again.

On Friday, I had one of those mornings where nothing seemed to be going according to the commitments that I made. I meant to get up and go to the gym, but that didn't happen. Instead, I played three hours of alarm tag. In fact, I am surprised that the alarm is still working. I was rather vengeful over it. However, I did manage to get to my appointment on time, only to find out that they were running thirty to forty-five minutes late. So, rather than be late for my tea date, I opted to return to the office later and headed out to my friends. This means packing up children and unpacking children from a vehicle in the rain. I got there only to find out that the signals had been crossed and she was out at her appointment. Ack! So, I left an odd message with the sitter and returned to my original appointment and finished there. Then, it was back to stare at a house that really misses the cleaning ladies when they are on holidays. Of course, my friend showed up for tea at my house (oh the mess) but we had a lovely visit and I will miss her when she moves. (Why are so many people moving away this summer? It sucks).

So, my afternoon was fairly smooth but I had plans to take my eldest out for dinner. This meant leaving the youngest with her father for quality time. He called and let me know he was nowhere near being on time five minutes before I was supposed to leave. Ack! I called a friend and thankfully she was willing to take on a child so long as she was antihistimined against her four kitty cats. Of course, I was late to the restaurant but it all turned out just fine and I breathed a sigh of relief. We spent time with friends and watched a great movie: Mirror Mirror. Perfect for little girls. I had missed class, I went to the Saturday class and then was late to Scrapbooking. That was so much fun and I had a great visit with yet more lovely ladies. I was feeling good about having a day, until I got home and reunited with my lovely girls. One was in a mood and the other was asleep. I found her flushed and feverish. That is what I get for taking a couple of hours off. Sigh. So, after an hour, the fever came down so we risked going out for the evening.

Maybe, I should have stayed home. Not that I didn't have fun playing dominoes and visiting...but really? Between the parents we had little boys with hurt feelings and tears, a little girl that peed on the stairs and had to clean it up, a little lass that wasn't quite used to having her world invaded, a little lad that refused to say please and insisted on cleaning - even if there were people in the way (toy vaccum to the head? Anyone?) and eventually even my two got horrible, argumentative and sassy. Time out was enforced despite my youngest insisting that she would NOT sit down on the stairs, until we suggested that it was either sit on the stairs or outside to cool off. Meanwhile, the eldest stomped her way down the stairs and somehow tripped over her own darned self and tumbled to the floor with an ear piercing shriek. That foot of hers wound up on a bag of broccoli and the adults tried to continue the game. We had a rule in the end that if you had to leave to attend children, your neighbour played for you. Good grief. Add to that, one of the adults seemed to forget to leave work and never showed up at all...what a night.

But it wasn't over yet, I got home and elected not to go straight to bed. Call it instinct. I knew and sure enough, the fever returned. Back to emergency, we went. I really don't like going but it seems to be the way the kids work. So...after copious amounts of waiting and being bored, the youngest is on antibiotics for strep throat and the eldest is on crutches for a messed up foot. No dance or activity for 10 days. Ack! The year end show is too close for this nonsense. There I was, texting people at 2:30 in the morning letting them know that the odds of me teaching sunday school were slim to none.

Hopefully, I am done with the comedy of errors...I definately got more than I anticipated this weekend. At least I got a lazy sunday after all. Tea with a friend, prescriptions picked up at the pharmacy and scrapbooking. Much safer when done with a sharp So for those that wanted the ya go!

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