Thursday, April 12, 2012

Oh the things I get myself into: Volunteerism

Like I said...volunteerism. It is a wonderful thing. There is connectivity with people and organizations. I am able to feel like I am making a difference in the lives of others. I am able to support projects and goals that I believe to be important. However, sometimes...I jump before I look into the mire.

I have volunteered to be part of a spin-a-thon. When they said that they needed people that were willing to ride bikes in support of the Strong Kids Campaign, I was sure and no problem. I can help with that. I rather like the Strong Kids Campaign. They didn't mention the fine print at that time either. I was expected to raise money too. At this point, I have to confess to abysmal failure. I have a whopping two pledges. I guess I can contribute too which would make three.... I am finding it hard as I have to raise money for my own workplace. It is part of what I do there and this really feels like a conflict of interest. I have two pledges...thanks to two lovely ladies...and I appreciate it very much as I am very bad at asking. Definitely, I think I bit off more than I can chew with this one. On the other hand, if someone has a few dollars that they can live without and want to donate, just let me know. For the record, I have put it out there but I just don't know how to be pushy with it.

Volunteers make the world go around for so many not-for-profit groups. These are the people that come in and spend quality time in an organization and make things happen. From special events, to community clean up to theater to sports. So much of our community life is spent working with volunteers whether we know it or not. There are volunteers at museums, churches, hospitals, schools, events, businesses and parks. Volunteering is great experience for resumes and develops life skills and life friendships. I have worked with some truly amazing volunteers over the years and know that you are all appreciated and remembered.

The thing is, volunteerism in the community is one thing. However, I also tend to bite off more than is sensible at home. I currently have five little girls racing around the house and the garden. No one wanted their children back clean and tidy, did they? If they did, they are in for a rude awaking. There are the back and forth battles over who is playing with which toy and who should be spending time with whom. These gremlins of girlhood have morphed into puppies, dragons, princesses and hooligans. Sometimes, it is all at the same time. Add to that a pair of earplugs and eyes that can't see the mess in the basement being created, I guess we are having a fantastic day.

So...I am volunteering to play hookey from have a presentable house and will go have some fun instead. Sounds like a brilliant idea....Yes?

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