Friday, March 28, 2014

Daughter Drama: Sisters

The princesses rise from the curtained softness of slumber each morning. They are beautiful, smart, funny and dramatic. While I love this stage of having them individually, the pair together leads to drama. Friend lead to drama. Activities lead to drama. By the end of the day, I find myself wishing for quiet time.

I am so proud of their accomplishments and love watching them grow. They need love and encouragement. They need kindness and stability. They are both doing things that they never thought possible. The flip side of that is they need discipline and grounding more than they seem to be able to get along.

Why do girls argue and fight about the rules, fairness, and who is allowed to play with whom or what? Why do they constantly seem to be picking battles that no one can win? Some of what we are coping with comes from the age difference, and I get that. Some is coming from that impossible Grade 3 stage. Thank goodness, I am on the second go round with it. (I will be over the moon happy to be done with the awfulness that is Grade 3 girls - they seem to be more hormonal than the 11/12 set). They are refusing to play independently, yet when they play together they fight. If they are along, they are bored. I keep grounding them from electronics and TV in the hopes that their active imaginations reengage.

Now, that brings me to the next challenge. ACK. The imaginations have reengaged. We have baking projects or jumping on the furniture to not touch the floor games. We have water experiments or burned microwaved croissants. There are paintings on the floor and pins in the walls. Of course, in the process of causing mayhem, chaos and disorder, they fight.

Sisters should be friends...shouldn't they?

I thought they would be best friends with each other, enjoy each other and each other. I am so tired of refereeing. I love spending time with them, but often I am finding that we can't spend time together as a family because they fight. I have a special trip planned for them and I dare not tell them yet. They might fight over that ...airline seats, who gets the window, what to pack, who is more responsible and helpful, who is smarter, who is the best at what...CRAZY...

I could write a whole page on the disagreements...

Living for the moments when there is peace in the house is well, what I am doing best. I love when things are going well. I love when they work together and can play for more than an hour. I am finding that the less electronics, the better they interact with their world. I love their acting out of their stories.

How do I encourage more of that?

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