Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You Want Me To Do What Exactly?

Tis January, tis true. It is that time of year where the television blasts out messages of weight loss and new resolutions. It is time to give up all your vises and turn the page of a book, rather than listen to the media. Time to get on the treadmill, instead of lounging in a bubble bath. No smoking, no chocolating, no coffee runs, no rest. January at first glance comes across as the stern disciplinary parent of yore.

January in the north is full of darkness. Mornings are spent dressing and getting to work in the dark. By the time you are home, it is dark again. The children run and play in the dark, if it is even warm enough to go outside. The temperatures have plummeted and the moods have gone with them. So many people seem to be bleak, lacking energy or vibrancy. January comes across as that neighborhood bully that just wants to take your toys, your lunch money and favorite blankie.

Everywhere I turn these days, there is a reason to feel guilt or shame. My clothes are a bit tighter. My lines more curvaceous than straight. I actually like chocolate and bubble baths. While I enjoy exercise, I am actually trying to take things easier so that my muscles heal up a bit. I am down to 6 hours a week and that is low for me. I should work out more. I should limit my carbs. I should sign up for weight watchers. That is the weight of the January blues.

I am watching my weight yes. I am watching to see how depression hits each of my friends in the dark cold months. I am watching to see how the weight of their world shifts and turns. In return, I move mine to be less. I will encourage and be positive. I am determined to have fun in this January. There is dance and tobogganning. Snuggled in front of the fire, I can have a glass of wine and chat on the phone to friends. I can nurse a cup of tea while I catch up with folks on facebook. I can continue to work to make the connections and exercise my options.

For the moment, I think I will go to weight watchers, because three of my friends are doing it and really, it wouldn't hurt. I will continue to exercise both my mind and body, so long as it isn't too much. I will also continue to rest, indulge once in awhile and encourage you to do likewise. While not perfect, I am perfectly me and I am going to color January bright and colorful instead. Until one accepts who they are, they cannot progress to be what they will become. And that, it is . . .for me. Good night!


  1. Hey there Hooli-Lady,
    This sounds like a good plan. Even down here i am going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. People at work say stuff like "Wow, is it ever nice out...are you liking the sun?". Yep, what i can see of it out the windows. *shrug* I also do my best to keep spirits light :)
    Btw, (may get hit for this) I have always thought of you as curvaceous, in the good way, so don't see a problem here :)
    Like you for being you.
    D. Twiddle

  2. *blush* - thanks DT. I appreciate it!
