Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friendship: Those Fine Lines

Friendship is something that I take very seriously. I would be lost without my friends: their support, their wisdom and their humour. I love to laugh and spend time with my "peeps". Some friends are close enough to be considered family. Others drift in the wind with threads that can be picked up at a moments notice. There are those that can share my day to day life and there are those that breeze through for intimate and fulfilling moments in time. The variety of my friendships is stimulating and rewarding. Sometimes, I just wish the groups of friends that I have could all gel together and get along.

It's a funny world out there. I have my scrapbooking playmates, the dance moms, the church crowd, the long time friends that I have met while up here and the friends I meet elsewhere and click with. There are the friends that I grew up with and the friends that I went to school with at all levels. There are the friends to hooligant with and those that prefer dessert evenings and those that love a drop in visit. All unique individuals that offer something special that blends with my personality. However, it would be interesting if they were all in a room together as I don't think that they would all get along.

I do my very best to be a good friend. Someone who is there for anything and everything so long as I can make it work. If someone needs space, I will give it. I have been known to have someone not talk to me for months and then ask for a favor that I will complete, no questions asked. If you are annoyed with me, I tend to apologize first and think about it afterwards. In conflict, I would rather have peace than be right. Sometimes I will give too much, and sometimes I will be too tired to notice. But there are those fine lines...

1) Be reasonable. Don't ask for more than someone can do.
2) Always ask for what you need, but be Ok with a "no" response. I promise that I will have a good reason behind it. Most often, I will say yes.
3) Don't assume that I know what you are thinking. I am busy and often functioning in chaos. I like chaos. I understand that most people do not. However, if there is something important that I need to know, take the time to tell me.
4) I do best with quality time spent in small groups. Not everyone does. Know and appreciate your "peeps" for the value that they place in your life and don't sweat the small stuff.
5) No one is perfect, especially me. But everyone is loved perfectly, so long as you are willing to accept it.
6) Treasures. Each person offers a special gift and insight. These are like pots of gold, very shiny, very expensive and not to be taken lightly.
7) Be spontaneous. Visits don't have to be long. A delivered cup of coffee in the doorway is always better than no visit at all. Some people just don't have the time.
8) Be patient. Patience is a virtue...I don't have a lot myself and am often cultivating it. Sometimes, life gets too busy and the little things get dropped. Remember to pick them up again and be willing to start afresh when needed.
9) Facebook and social media is connecting you to the outside world. Use it wisely. Just because you are creeping people through their status updates doesn't mean that they know you care unless you write messages. I have seen so many people get lonely through this phenomena. Write messages, poke people, say "allo".
10) Accept people's boundaries. Not everyone can be like me or you. So meet everyone in the space that they are at and move forward from there. Some people don't have boundaries. Put them in place if you need them.

Yep, there is my thought process for the day. It took a 1:30 am call from someone worried about me. I love that girl to death and her life isn't a bed of roses at this time either. But she cared enough to call, when logic would have said to not call. She lifted me up into a place where I knew that no matter what...she was there. It got me to thinking that I truly am blessed and have some of the best network of friends a lass could have. I just hope that I am worthy of your friendship. Know that I appreciate you all, and that I will do the best I can with the tools I have in my head and heart.

With that...good night.

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