Friday, April 20, 2012

Random Acts of Visiting

In the moment of the morning, when I had finished at the gym, the voice to my left said "you coming?" I responded with "where?" And I was told "Tims." I glanced over and saw three of the regulars eying me and I grinned and said "sure, see you in a bit." That's how it starts.

This was not a planned event. It was just a random act of visiting, in the style that I adore. I spent a delightful hour of my morning chatting with some interesting ladies who all have news and stories to share. These ladies have very different backgrounds and personalities, and we met through working out at the gym. Most interestingly, we have learned how to have fun while being tortured together and the personalities are compatible. So, once the tea cup was emptied and was forlornly tossed into the garbage, we mosied on our ways.

I still had an hour before the school bus was to be met, so I decided to turn up on the doorstep of another lovely lady. Instead of painting her daughter's room deep purple, she took some time to spend quality conversational time with me. This time, the cup had hot water with lemon. There is only so much caffiene that my system can handle in a day. What fascinates me is that we are able to go from fashion to relationships, to children to holidays all in 45 minutes or less. But since that was all the time that either one of us had, I think that we were very efficient.

Now, normally I have had playdates scheduled, but with Miss K's sassy sore throat and the sheer lack of sleep that the girls have had with the longer daylight hours coming into play, I had decided somewhat to keep the girls to myself today. We did piano and school projects. There was some independent play and lunch thrown in but it was gorgeous today. So, we also went to the park where I ran into yet another friend. The children played and we briefly caught up. Ironically, I had spent two weeks trying to connect with her and now it happened by accident. Awesome! Sometimes, you are just meant to be where you end up. And the best part is that it was intellectually stimulating conversation too. I now have a few more ideas bubbling for Sunday School and some new ideas with connecting with the group of kids moving on up.

My day of random acts of visiting wasn't over though. Tonight turned into Yahtzee night at the house. More friends, company and conversation over coffee and tea...and those quirky dice. I confess that I lost! In fact, my score was only saved from being dismally appalling by a double Yahtzee in the last round. All in all, this was a great way to spend a day. No plan, but lots of fun.

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