Friday, September 23, 2011

"Not my kid" my kid

It is surprising how quiet the house is as I have four medium sized children running around the house. From time to time, I can hear the voices. I can hear the herd of elephants as they stomp up and down the stairs and across the ceiling. There is the rustling of paper and the movement of dolls from one end of the house to the other. Yet, I can comfortably sit on the sofa and write this.

This morning, I had three wee ones running around plus one of my own. There was dressing up activity followed by singing and duck chasing. Duck chasing involves a toddler with a duck toy that he pulls and the older kids think it is fun to chase him. There was a game of find the keys as that same toddler likes to hide them. Perhaps he is another one that is born to drive?

Today is fairly typical for me. I am surrounded by my own two girls plus their friends. This is the world of "not my kids" my kids. Volunteered to assist one parent have a relaxing workout when the wee toddler took a flat out aversion to the playroom, so I had all three kids for the hour. This was great as it stopped my youngest from being that awful word: BORED. So, thinking about the afternoon, I arranged to have a playdate for her as well. Then, I went to collect my oldest from school and as suspected, came back with her and her bff. This seems to be a Friday tradition.

All the children that I come into contact with on a regular basis rapidly start becoming what I have lately started calling "Not my kids my kids". I pick them up from school and transport them as needed. I am able to listen to stories, hear about school and fix hurt feelings. I know how to appreciate their individuality while still enjoying the play of the collective whole. All the children that wander into this house are treated the same. There are the same rules with the same expectations. If one gets into trouble, they all share the consequences (unless it is blatently clear that one kid is the ring leader). They also know that there are crafts, baking, creative play and independant play.

Today would seem to be about the younger two creating a fashion show and playing with barbies. The older two are creating a haunted house to which they want to frighten the younger two. At which time that it reaches completion, I will redirect their intentions to something else. Meanwhile, I am writing and scrapbooking at intervals. I was able to make them a hot lunch and enjoy the peace. Long may it last.'s to yet another afternoon of "not my kids my kids" playtime.

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