Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Mugging Gone Wrong

Sentimental? I am, on occasion, very sentimental. I appreciate all of the wonderful people in my life and the gifts that they bring to my world. It is the thought that counts. Over the years, I have had some odd experiences with the real and present gifts that are adorning my house. I have a collection of turtle objects and memorabilia all because I had a friend give me one. I have candles and photographs, artwork and books. Scrapbooks are multiplying and those unique magnets?

Yes, I am a born collector. Especially since I genuinely feel that if someone went to the trouble to gift me with something, it has shared meaning for both of us. They thought that I would appreciate it and love it, or they saw something and thought of me. Are these gifts not worth hanging on to? Are they clutter? So many people tell me I need to declutter my home, but I love my stuff because for me it has meaning. There are messages and treasured memories within all of it. To be fair, I don't like mess (ask my children) and work very hard to ensure that things have a designated home. Ikea boxes are my new best friend! But still...there are my critics.

Sometimes, my delightful friends choose to mug me. I love them for it. One of my clutterish weaknesses is mugs. Like everyone else, I have my favorites in my cupboard. There are the ones that hold the equivilant of three cups of tea or coffee. You know the kind, they are soup mugs in theory. Rather than waste my time going back and forth to the kettle, I can have a one hit wonder and continue on my merry way. There are the mugs that represent places that I have been, places I have worked or places that my friends have gone. There are the commemorative event mugs like graduation and anniversaries, including a cross stitched mug. There are those sentimental just because mugs and the humorous mugs. I love them all and don't like the thought of parting with any of them.

Having said that, there is company in the house this week. I wonder what he thinks of the almighty crash that happened as two of my mugs elected to freefall gleefully out of the cupboard to smash on the counter below. I am mourning the loss of my tall cool mug in vanilla and a Museum of the Regiments mug (one of a foursome).

Tall, cool vanilla mug forgot his parachute.
Detailed to clean up the shards and pick the debris out of plates, teas and coffees on the counter (because if I don't do it, who will?) as all muggings have to be criminally recorded, I was left to ponder the cupboard. I don't know why they chose to have a mugging tonight. They all look reasonably perched to me. I don't know who shoved whom out of the cupboard. But apparently, there isn't room enough for all of them. Boss mug has decreed that perhaps some of them need to be boxed up and put in the basement.
Who gets voted off the island? And which one is boss mug? That one has to go! Trouble maker...

Now I have the agonizing decision to decide which ones. I love them all, but I don't want any more to bust a move from the cupboard under their own steam. Realistically, I am lucky no one was brained (Can you imagine if it was my house guest - mortification...) Anyone want to volunteer to assist? No, nevermind, I would be too difficult to work with. I guess I will have to have a rotation schedule. Poor wee mugs, I don't think tonight turned out as planned.

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