Monday, January 21, 2013

Blue Monday: Did you survive?

Blue monday actually has a name: BLUE MONDAY. How did you cope with it? It was today after all. It is something that I pondered for a bit today seeing that we live in the wild blue yonder of the north. We awoke to a rippled sunrise in vivid pink, that refreshed into orange and looked like waves before calming into blue skies. It was stunning and a great way to wake up.

I find that everyday has pros and cons. I don't think that a truly perfect day exists - there always seems to be something. Today, the people around me were definately coping with more than me. The most stressful thing that happened to me today was that I had my annual performance review. I really wind myself up about them so I was rather glad that my lovely boss sprung it on me. I didn't have time to worry. And, it is always better than I think that I was going to be so...on went my day. I know that those that needed me know that I was there. In fact, I even stepped outside of my comfort zone and wandered into a school to set up a meeting regarding my child. Oh yes, the dreaded principal's meeting...once again, I feel compelled to be an advocate.

However, what really got me pondering was the radio announcer informing us that this is the most depressing day of the year for a lot of people. We are in the middle of January and are freezing everything that is possible to freeze off. Fingers...optional. Eyelashes....who needs those? Wet hair....bahahahahahaa. Yes, it is the middle of January and we are far enough away from Christmas that all the good cheer has supposedly worn off and the New Years resolutions are traditional defunct by now. (I never bothered to make any - I forgot). This is when I usually have some magical vacation planned to look forward to but my budget and the budgets of most people won't allow it.

So, I went to the gym to discover that the instructor is still refusing to change her format to suit the copious amounts of people squeezing their yoga panted bodies into a class meant for 20 people. Giving up, I opted for the treadmill and crunches before heading back out to tap. Seriously, this is frustrating. How many of these people will still be there in 4 weeks? Every January, this phenomenon of the new yoga pants irritates me. I will be there, rain and shine, winter and summer. They will quit. In the meantime, they are ruining my social night out. Sniff. I don't go for the workout anymore, I go to hang with my girls!

Looking at the plumes of steam rising from the buildings, I wondered. If this is blue monday, who have you checked in with? Who have you talked to? Do you have people in your life that have issues with depression? Perhaps this should be a day to call them just because. I know I can be a blue creature on occasion and it doesn't take much to snap me out of it. But I do appreciate those that pay attention. Today, I hope I have paid attention to the things that I was supposed to. And if I haven't? I will do better. It is all I can do.

But for now, I will ponder my roadie in the summer. Watching Drive Ins. Diners and Dives, there is inspiration for some exceptional road stops. Food is important after all and it beats thinking about making lunches. I would love it if someone else would just wave a wand so that I didn't need to.

To the blue moon, here's waiting on would be interesting after all.

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