Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Summer Road Trip 2013: Horses, Interpretive Center and Beach

This infernal mist is driving me crazy. Apparently, this is normal weather for coastal Washington and the locals are totally immune to it, but honestly? I did not come to the beach to wallow in the mist. I am a sun seeker that loves to play in the sand, swim in the ocean and enjoy the vistas…just not mist filled. Sigh.

I am also a just make the best of it type, so today I ensured that the family was packed up and ready to go so that we could be first in line for the horse back riding down the beach with Chenois Creek Horses. They leave from near the best Western, and that in itself was phenomenal as the beach is a designated state highway. Vehicles zoom past on their way north or south while we inadvertently decided to park in the sand. Turns out that we were early, so we headed back to get coffee. Unfortunately, I was not awake enough to realize that a London Fog in the US means a cold earl grey flavored drink, not my hot frothy milky concoction that I love. I drank it anyway – but it is now late at night and I am still missing my coffee.

Back on the beach, we parked and signed our waiver forms. The horses were assigned and off we went, my youngest proving to be an excellent rider in training. We walked briskly north along the beach, enjoying the sounds of the surf pounding the beaches, and watching the surfers attempt the waves. The first ride of the day is reputably the best, even with the mist as the horse are fresh and eager to go. I loved it. The staff were friendly and welcoming all while keeping an eye on things. Best $20 per hour going as far as I am concerned.

After lunch, we headed out again to the Ocean Shores Interpretive Center. I have to say that I am a museum geek by nature so I love to explore other people’s operations. This one has a lot going for it and I would strongly recommend a visit here prior to going to Damon Point, which is right around the corner. They open at 11 and close at 4, and here you can get your tidal map for free, as well as learn about the rocks that you will find on the beach. They explain their wildlife, ship wrecks, and history. Through interactive drawers, movies, touchable furs, colouring and voice messaging, they interpret their varied offerings very well. The volunteers requested that we sign the guest book to encourage funders to look at their grant applications, but didn’t even stress about donations. We ensured we purchased books from the book store as that seems to be their sole source of revenue, besides the donation jar. The volunteers are passionate about their work from cabinetry to educational programs for students, yet this is another place that is being forced to explore admission charges as the community and city they belong to has completely cut their funding. Got ideas for funding? This place needs them to keep the lights on!

The sand is really warm and they know it!

Chester and cars and cool fog

Through the mist

Ocean Shores Interpretive Center

Damon Point

Armed with information and breaking sunlight, we headed back to the beach to look for more rocks and birds. I saw pelicans, seals and creepy bugs, but the rocks still got most of my attention. Plus the wind. That wind could tear a strip off your skin with the sand snakes that waved across the dark wet sand. It actually stung and was too windy even for kite flying. We walked the beach anyway but wound up back at the Windjammer by 5:30. The kids tried out the pool and the adults prepped food, did laundry and eventually caved into doing not much. Tomorrow, I think we will seek some sun somewhere. I just can almost guarantee that it won’t be here. As little as I don’ t want to drive, I think we have to in order to have some quality outdoor fun that is WARM.

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