Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Las Vegas Experience Part One

From the north you run the gauntlet of flights to get to Vegas. Fingers, toes and bones of all shapes and sizes are crossed as you brave the swirling dervish of snow that blankets the tarmac while you sit in a plane . . .hoping that you take off, wishing that you would make your connections and praying that if the first two happen, the people waiting for you aren't entirely ticked.

I got here in the end and began the experience in style. The handsome young chaufeur handed each of us a rose, and we popped the champagne into glasses as we limoed to the Mirage. The hooliganting experience has been somewhat mild mannered for Vegas, so I thought here I would touch on some of the highlights and lowlights.


1) Horseback riding in the hills. The calm serenity of the hills as we trekked up the cactus and yucca filled terrain on horses named Pistol and Jewel was unique. The wranglers fulfilled the crusty cowboy image and gave lots of regional information as well as feeding us a rather delightful breakfast.
2) Spa treatments on a whim. I loved the fact that we walked in and there was availability and that we could access the spa all day afterwards.
3) The lights of the city. This city lives up to its reputation of being bright and bold.
4) Walking through the Paris. This really reminds me of Paris and I really enjoyed the ambience.
5) "Seeing" O at the Bellagio. This performance had some definate moments that took your breath away.

1) It would have been nice to check into the hotel and have the service as expected. Computers crashed and people used it as an excuse for all sorts of hiccups.
2) Losing at the slots
3) Freezing cold hot tub on the pool deck.
4) Travelling with folk that you can't find. She is finally found but only just. . .lol.
5) Airlines airlines airlines.

So far, I am tired. It is 4 am and I am still awake. There is so much to do and no time (or people in agreement to do it all.) Off to bed...night all.

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