Thursday, November 4, 2010

What Happened Next?

What a hooliganting day! I am so sleepy, but since it is definately too early to go to sleep, I thought I would share a bit of the results of the sneak attack. But as all stories should, I must start at the beginning of my day.

As far as days go, this one did not have an auspicious start. The alarm only just managed to penetrate my skull, and thus the children only "just" managed to get to school on time. Once I had received the kisses being blown from the front seat of the yellow bus, I pulled out that trusty cell and made first contact. My partner in crime was up and suggested that tea would be a good start. Definately still groggy, I opted to perch on her stools and drink tea to try and wake up, knowing full well that if I were to go home I would just crawl back under the covers and call it good.

Just after 9:30, we managed to stir from the door and drove to Safeway. Starbucks had no line so the drinks and ammunition for the sneak attack were acquired. Then, off we went. We arrived and the lovely victim was puzzled enough to mistake our identity. However, she was home and we had a fabulous visit over rowdy wee ones and temper tantrums and fish talk. It was great, I just love a house that can be warm, welcoming and chaotic all at the same time. However, groceries called and I had to go on.

Hooliganting develops a taste for the unexpected. The trusty cell phone rang and the voice at the other end suggested play date for the youngest child. That developed into lunch, haircut and of course random acts of driving like a mad woman over our city chauffeuring children. The sad part is that to do list I had never even got touched. Yes, I love my life!

The to do list can always wait, but people are the treasures that need polishing. There is a philosophy I live by.

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