Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Plotting the Sneak Attack

The tea is steeping thickly in the pot. The lid is screwed on tightly and the steam oozes over the mug lip as it pours from the thermos. Breathe in the aroma of Tetley's Earl Grey. Yummy. Now where was I? Oh yes, the plot and scheme portion of my day.

You see, I could actually be doing something productive right now like work, or phonecalls. However, the idea is niggling in the back of my mind. Ambush. Yes, ambush. There is a call to wander to Starbucks in the early hours of the morning after dropping the children off at school. There is a need to stand in the infamously slow and long line to watch the baristas manipulate the syrups and coffee grounds into those delectable delights of the London Fog, Caramel Macchiato or just plain coffee. Once you get over the excitement of it actually being your turn, it seems to be such a waste to purchase one drink. So why not make it two? And then why not share the wealth of having two drinks? Ah yes, the sneak attack is being formulated.

From there, it is not too much effort to meander back to the van, plunk down the coffee cups in the drink holders and go a couple of blocks. She has lots of children herself so the odds are that she will be home. Yes. I think it is a plan. Any good plan needs a partner in crime, but a quick chat to a fellow hooliganter should take care of that.

Yes, the sneak attack is coming. Unless, of course, you are smart enough to have subscribed to this and then you have the advantage of considering this your warning. It is the only one there will be! Lol.

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